Loving Silk

I bought some ink navy burnout silk chiffon from Pitt Trading a few years ago . It has been in the stash for a while.

It feels beautiful so I wanted a soft flowing blouse from this.
New Look 6471 is perfect .
I wore it to my Husbands
Honoured Citizen Award function .

This was an easy make , even though the fabric did prove a little challenging as soft fluid fabrics do. It sewed up well I used French seams throughout. It is gorgeous to wear .

My husband John ,me and our son Conor with Mayor Hitchen

I have only worn this top once but I will definitely wear it again it feels wonderful on . Need to wait until the weather gets warmer though.

Happy Sewing,

Sue 😊

About suebsewbyme

Australian fabric fanatic who loves to sew and create interesting garments . Creativity is my mantra.
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